Exclusive Interview with Sean Paquet | Insights & Stories on CraveBooks

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Sean Paquet

Member Since: 02/2022


     Hello Traveler. I invite you into the world behind my eyes. In this place, everything you ever wanted to believe is real. My first novel, "A GAME OF GODS," is the platform where you as the reader can jump off of the roller coaster of reality and be transported to another world.      So I will be honest with you. Why did I write A GAME OF GODS and its sequel, The Jarl's Shadow? Well, to be truthful, I found myself in a position where I had a lot of time on my hands and daydreaming again of a world I had created in my mind at the age of 10. I was always a very nerdy, bookish, introverted type back then, and it seemed far more comfortable to live in a world where everything I wanted to believe could happen.      As I got older and started reading, my view of the world became increasingly cynical. Right around age 11, I started reading Erich von Däniken's books beginning with Chariots of the Gods? I was also staying abreast of current events in the world. At such a young age, Chariots of the Gods? And books similar to it were an escape from a world full of bullies, broken promises, abuse, and ruined relationships.      I have seen a world moving steadily towards the brink of disaster in my time. Several times, I was directly responsible for that steady march. Moreover, I have seen enough of the world and the evil that abounds within it.      I finally settled down back in 2015 after several failed marriages, alcoholism, and finally, PTSD. Those dark times inevitably required me to remove myself from the world and live a more peaceful life. I built a house up in Ilocos Norte, Philippines, and I officially retired from a life of war and the business of war on 15 May 2018.      Now, as I said before, I was left with a lot of time on my hands and a very active imagination. So I decided to make my inner world a reality and began writing A GAME OF GODS. A GAME OF GODS is truly a world where everything you want to believe is real. Prehistoric beasts walk side by side with Vikings.      The characters are either gifted with strange abilities or are augmented by technology. Soldiers from an Earth in the near future battle against genetically created nightmare creatures and armies move across the land, bringing both hope and destruction.      Above all of the seeming chaos are godlike beings who play games of intrigue and secrecy, using whole worlds as platforms for human evolution and social experimentation.      It is my hope that you will enjoy reading A GAME OF GODS, as much as I enjoyed writing it. For it is but one story in a world of endless possibilities, in a utopia removed from a doomed Earth.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I am an American Expatriate residing in the Philippines. I retired there after 24 years of active military service and 6 years as a private defense contractor. Most of my career was spent in the Middle East. My hobbies are graphic arts, yoga, and MMA. My interests are writing and metaphysics.

When and why did you start writing books?

I started writing professionally back in 2017. Mostly I started writing as part of my Spiritual Awakening. It was a way for me to express a lot of what I was going through at the time.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

Well being retired left me with a lot of time on my hands, and I thought perhaps my stories would enrich other people, so I gave it a shot.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

That's a tough question. All of the characters represent something about me or about people who I am very close to. Probably I would say Amra Raynecksdottir from The Jarl's Shadow is my current favorite because I can appreciate her struggle to hold on to her humanity.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

Certainly The Jarl's Shadow because the protagonist was modeled after someone who was very special in my life. I had to face a lot of inner demons to write about her.

Who is your favourite author and book?

It's a toss up between Louis Lamoure (Bendigo Shafter) and R.A. Salvatore (The Dark Elf Trilogy).

What book are you reading right now?

Egregores: The Occult Entities that Watch over Humanity by Mark Stavish.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

I believe that it comes through me from something greater than myself. A Higher Power if you will. When I write, it just seems to flow out of me. I feel often as though I am speaking with the characters. We have dialogue and I am merely chronicling their adventures.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I practice yoga daily. I also do a lot of study in the Occult, Metaphysics, Paganism, and Heathenism.

Do you have any new books in the works?

I have two in work right now. The Hammer of The Bear which is the 3rd in the series after A GAME OF GODS, and the Jarl's Shadow. The other one is Conversations With My Demons which is a collaborative effort between me and my mentor Angela Kable.