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Shelly Campbell

Member Since: 05/2023


At a young age, Shelly Campbell wanted to be an air show pilot or a pirate, possibly a dragon and definitely a writer and artist. She’s piloted a Cessna 172 through spins and stalls and sailed up the east coast on a tall ship barque—mostly without projectile vomiting. In the end, Shelly found writing fantasy and drawing dragons to be so much easier on the stomach. Shelly’s grimdark fantasy novel, UNDER THE LESSER MOON, was published by Mythos and Ink November 2020, and its sequel, VOICE OF THE BANISHED, will be hitting shelves in March 2022. She also has a quiet horror novel, GULF, which released in April 2021 with Silver Shamrock publishing, and has co-authored MAKING MYTHS AND MAGIC with Allison Alexander. It’s a field guide to writing sci-fi and fantasy with Mythos and Ink publishing.