
Stan Kapuchinski

Member Since: 07/2024


As a psychiatrist with extensive experience in Connecticut, Florida, and Queensland, Australia, I've encountered numerous cases involving relationship issues. This inspired me to write my non-fiction book, Say Goodbye to Your PDI (Personality Disordered Individual): Recognize People Who Make You Miserable and Eliminate Them from Your Life for Good!. The book is designed to help readers identify and deal with manipulative and controlling individuals, overcome guilt, and find happiness. My novel, The Looney Bin, explores the lives of eccentric mental health professionals who grapple with their own emotional challenges. Through sharp dialogue, the story delves into their hearts and souls, revealing their innermost secrets, fears, passions, and self-deception. Now enjoying life in sunny southwest Florida, I hope The Looney Bin offers an engaging and thought-provoking read that resonates with my audience.