Surajit Sarkar | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Surajit Sarkar

Member Since: 12/2021


I am a teacher and an educationist. I have been in this profession for over twenty-five years now. Despite having a science background, I am very fond of positive psychology, medical hypnosis and NLP. I have been a member of ‘The British Society of Experimental and Clinical Hypnosis’, ‘International Hypnosis Federation’. I am certified as a part of the ‘Fellowship in Cardiac Rehabilitation, from Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad, India.

I am the founder of ‘Golden Childhood Institute’. The institute was established in the year 1996 in West Bengal. It is a well-known institution dealing with childhood education and child development.

“Light the light of knowledge. Light the light of love. Spread the light of knowledge and spread the light of love.”