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Tee O'Fallon

Member Since: 01/2021


Tee O'Fallon is the award-winning author of the K-9 Special Ops, Federal K-9, and NYPD Blue & Gold Series. Tee spent twenty-three years as a federal agent conducting complex, long- and short-term criminal investigations, especially undercover operations, across many agencies at the federal level, and multi-state investigations as a police investigator. It felt only natural to combine her hands-on experience in the field with her love of romantic suspense. She has lived in New York State most of her life with a five-year stop in Colorado. When not writing, Tee enjoys cooking, gardening, chocolate, lychee martinis, and kicking back with her Belgian Sheepdogs, Loki and Kyrie. Tee loves hearing from readers and can be contacted at teeofallon.com.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I'm an outdoor enthusiast with a huge love of cooking, gardening, lychee martinis, and spending time with my Belgian sheepdogs (Loki & Kyrie). If I could spend half of every day somewhere near the water, I would!

When and why did you start writing books?

I started writing about ten years ago, but was published first in 2016. I'd been reading a novel by an author I loved and was unexpectedly disappointed. I started rambling on to my boyfriend about all the things I wish the author had done, and he said: Tee, you write great reports, you should quit whining and write your own book! And so, the idea was planted in my brain from that day forward.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

I'm super-organized, love a good story, and have so many ideas bouncing around inside my brain just itching to get out on paper that I really thought I could do it. Then, lo and behold, miraculously I made a few bucks off my books. How great is that?

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

That's a tough one to answer. I really do love something in each and every story I've written, especially my K-9 books. I get to showcase the best species on the planet. There's a little piece of me in every book, even if it doesn't start out that way.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

Without a doubt, the hardest one to write is always, always, always, the last one I've written. What I mean by that is, when readers tell me how much they enjoy my books, it puts even more pressure on me to keep writing better. So as of today, the hardest one to write was Trap 'N' Trace. But it's also my highest rated book!

Who is your favourite author and book?

Too many to choose from. Generally, I love Linda Howard. One of my all time fave books is Judith McNaught's Paradise. I strive to come up with poignant stories like that one and with heroes to die for.

What book are you reading right now?

Karin Slaughter's Fractured.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

Everywhere! My head while I'm driving, running, or in the shower. My job gives me great ideas. Occasionally, I'll cull some tidbit from the news and craft an entire story around it.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

In addition to my hobbies and interests, I also try to work out, not only to stay in shape, but to allow me to eat more chocolate!!! So important. Oh yeah, I also love renovating old furniture. Breathing new life into a piece that looks like it's headed for the trash is a hugely satisfying accomplishment.

Do you have any new books in the works?

I just signed three new contracts. One is for more Federal K-9 books and another is a brand new mass market paperback series, K-9 Special Ops set in Colorado. I'm also really excited about the new thriller series I'm writing. It won't be a romance, but there'll be a male-female team that takes on a Mulder & Scully, Seeley & Bones type of relationship. So, who knows were that will lead!