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Theresa Gage

Member Since: 03/2024


When Theresa Gage is not conjuring up magical tales, you'll find her tending to her garden or reading a good book. Her work has been featured in various magazines, making her an esteemed figure in the literary world. Together with her spouse and cherished dogs, Gage resides amidst the beauty of Washington state, continually drawing inspiration from her surroundings for her stories.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I like to read a good book, work in my garden, go for walks, and do crafts when I'm not writing.

When and why did you start writing books?

Tired of reading the same books to my youngest daughter, I started making up stories, so she would go to sleep at night. I have always loved fairy tales and fantasy, and have an active imagination, so when an idea came to me, I had to write it down. Then I started taking classes to improve my writing.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

My writing coach was impressed with my first book and thought it could expand into more stories, so I worked on it.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

Aidan is my main character in the first & second books and reminds me of my brother. A troublemaker that likes to play pranks and tells fibs.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

My second book, Scorched, because I had to write it in 3rd person instead of first person. Aidan is stuck in a dark mirror world, yet things are happening to other characters because the sorcerer is intent on revenge.

Who is your favourite author and book?

Terry Brooks in the Shannara series. His books got me interested in fantasy combined with some sci-fi.

What book are you reading right now?

Elizabeth Rose's Below the Salt series, Picking Up the Gauntlet.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

From my surroundings and ideas that come to me while reading or going for a walk.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Mostly reading a good book.

Do you have any new books in the works?

Yes. My third book, Flame Within, coming out in a few months and working on my fourth novel.