Four Letter Feelings (The Jeremy Lewis Series Book... - CraveBooks

Four Letter Feelings (The Jeremy Lewis Series Book 1)

By Lasairiona McMaster

$3.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Jeremy Lewis has just returned from a year in Europe, ready to start college in Alabama and pursue his dream career in the National Hockey League. Other than boring school work, he’s eager to play hockey, hang out with his new teammates and maybe even rekindle an old flame when Chelsea Davis unexpectedly reappears in his life.
Life is looking pretty darn peachy.
But when his world is turned upside down by a tragic loss, merely surviving each day feels like an achievement. How can he get through college and keep his budding career on track when all he wants to do is drink and squander his parent’s fortune? Can he convince Chelsea he’s a changed man when he seems so intent on his own destruction?
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Book Length: 150-320 Pages