Strands of Time - CraveBooks

Strands of Time

By Kris Ruhler

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A baker’s apprentice bites off more than he can chew when he discovers the truth of who he really is.
Seventeen-year-old Kallum has life all planned out: pass his simulation test, snap up a job on the upper rung, and ask the girl of his dreams out. No more working at the bakery.
But life has a funny way of ruining plans.
Not only does he get reassigned to a hermit, but his hallucinations also make him fear that he’s turning into his worst nightmare: becoming one of the Crazies.
Worse still, the aetherium, an energy stone bestowed by the alien race called the Aeternas, is failing. And, according to the hermit, it’s all Kallum’s fault. Without the dome shield protecting Levitor, the Reavers and beasts roaming the land outside are bound to invade.
Levitor’s fate rests upon Kallum’s shoulders. He’s the only one who can seek out his father, who has the means to save the city. But the Aeternas are hunting him down, and he’s running out of time.
What will he sacrifice for the greater good?

Welcome to the Aeterna Chronicles.

Strands of Time is the first installment in the series. If you love young adult sci-fi, portal fantasy, time travel, and a touch of romance, don’t miss Kris Ruhler’s debut novel. Click Buy Now or Read Now and join the adventure.

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Book Length: 150-320 Pages