Pariahs The Beginning - CraveBooks

Pariahs The Beginning

By Kevin Jones

$9.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

In the quaint little town of Beaumont, Texas, triplets Deshawn, Leon and Lanae navigate their way through the mundane sameness of everyday life. Chores at home, homework from school, and sports. Rinse and repeat. It was a life they had no desire to change.

But the universe had other plans. The discovery of an ancient book in the dusty attic of their foster home unlocks in them supernatural abilities and teases the siblings with a hint of their true origins.

But as with every origin story, there is always a villain lurking close behind. The appearance of a mysterious stranger in town and emergence of a curse over all of Beaumont teaches the siblings that the life of a superhero is never an easy one.

Deshawn, Leon and Lanae must learn to hone their new found powers and work together to stop this stranger and break his curse as they uncover more secrets about their past. What other shadows would they find lurking as they take a peek behind the curtain draped over their seemingly quiet and ordinary town?


FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 150-320 Pages

Kevin Jones