Involuntary Reroute!!! (The Initial Reroute Book 1... - CraveBooks

Involuntary Reroute!!! (The Initial Reroute Book 1)

By Robert Laney

$5.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

Involuntary Reroute reveals the origins of airline deception while reliving a young entrepreneur's journey that turned a controversial idea into an international enterprise. Every form of airfare trickery is tested and discussed, ranging from the famed hidden city airline ticket to travel agent IDs to travel agency ownership and everything else in between. If you ever wondered how the smartest travelers consistently fly first class cheaper than, then Involuntary Reroute is a must read.

Check out the I-Reroute website (i-reroute.com) for audio files, along with exclusive documents highlighting airline deception, price manipulation and antitrust violations.


FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 60-150 Pages

Robert Laney