The Divine SelfQare Strategy : A Wellness Guide To... - CraveBooks

The Divine SelfQare Strategy : A Wellness Guide To Total Body Alignment

By Sheila Brown

$2.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

With every new page, The Divine SelfQare Strategy: A Wellness Guide to Total Body Alignment creates
a paradigm shift in ways that present and future generations of youth
can pursue health and wellness. By looking beyond surface beauty such as
facials, manicures, and pedicures, they can refocus on ancient wellness
traditions that naturally beautify the body, balance the spirit, and
rejuvenate the mind.

From the depths of hidden texts, noteworthy
speeches, and Negro spirituals, along with the oral tradition common
among African men and women, Sheila narrates her book to her future
grand and, possibly, multiple generations of great-grandchildren.

her writing, Sheila expresses inner thoughts and divine insights about
the past to allow the reader to deeply immerse themselves into a
conversation between a wise, aged Grand-Matriarch, teaching her adoring
grandchildren about the beautiful concepts of this book.

From her
words, dripping with wisdom, the reader can hear her educate her
grandchildren about the ancient ways and customs of her people -
regaling well-hidden secrets of her ancestors and their creative
ingenuity during slavery, and even beyond that period to a peaceful and
prosperous time during the reigning of great Ethiopian empires.


Paperback Books



Book Length: 150-320 Pages