Arrogant Artist - CraveBooks

Arrogant Artist

By JA Low

$4.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

Louis Marchant—artist of our generation.
More like the most arrogant artist of our generation.
The man looks like Michelangelo has carved him with his bare hands.
Kissable soft lips.
The perfect amount of five o’clock shadow stretched across his square jaw.
Add in that delicious French accent and oh là là.
And then there’s his giant… Um, never mind, it’s still connected to him.
No amount of magnificence can take away the fact that he’s the most arrogant man in the history of France—no, the world. He also happens to be my new boss.


FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 150-320 Pages

JA Low