Moses: Let my People Go - CraveBooks

Moses: Let my People Go

By Dr. Andrew C S Koh

$2.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

A Christ-centred, life-changing, Expository Commentary, Daily Devotion, and Bible Study Guide on the book of Exodus, from chapters 1 to 20, on the life, adventures, travels, and faith journey of Moses. This is an easy-to-read commentary for you to understand and apply biblical truths to contemporary living. This is a continuation of the Biblical Commentaries written during the pandemic of 2020-2022. This book has the power to change, correct, convict, deepen, transform, mature, enrich, teach, and bless you. This book will help you encounter God through the Word of eternal life. A book to be read, reread, studied, explored, reflected on, and meditated upon devotionally. This book will help you to systematically study the book of Exodus.

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Paperback Books




Book Length: 60-150 Pages

Dr. Andrew C S Koh