Heart to Submit - CraveBooks

Heart to Submit

By Glen White

$4.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Through twists and turns, this unique memoir deconstructs the author's near-death experience, with you in the driver's seat, all while sharing how it has changed everything about his life, perspective, and time.

This wonderful first-time author brings to life a collection of unique quips, funny anecdotes, and life experiences as he takes you on the ride of a lifetime. From tough moments in his childhood to tough discussion topics, the author is constantly engaging you in this fast-paced, 200-mph story, all while asking you to think about its effect on you, your life, and your loved ones. He breaks the 4th wall, wanting you to apply the experiences to your own life, and your own family, transplanting yourself right into the story with him.
Digital Books


FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 320-650 Pages

Glen White