Living Green and the Spell: The day the plants sto... - CraveBooks

Living Green and the Spell: The day the plants stood still, but they are still alive

By Florian Bushy

$2.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
"This book is part of a series of books about environmental awareness, respect and friendship. Beyond just the mentality of recycling and picking up garbage as part of helping take care of the Earth, this book looks at our interactions with nature and promotes collaboration and problem solving to make lasting change in protecting our planet..." Angie k, Educator - Reviewer NetGalley / BooksGoSocial

At the beginning of time, when the planet Earth was new, pure and clean, trees, flowers and all the plants could walk, talk and live a happy life. One day, a spaceship landed on Earth. Since then, the plants can no longer move. However, they are still alive!
What would have happened that day?

This book is part of the Living Green Series, picture books for children that promote environmental awareness, respect and teamwork.

This fun journey will teach your child about:
• Nature and conservation
• Trees and plants are alive
• Friendship
• Respect

ebook and paperback available in English, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish

Your children or grandchildren will love this book. It makes a perfect gift. Order your book today!

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Book Length: 0-60 Pages

Florian Bushy