Drug Clouds Over Morocco - Casablanca Revisited (M... - CraveBooks

Drug Clouds Over Morocco - Casablanca Revisited (Morocco's Drug Conundrum Book 1)

By Robert Tennant-Ralphs

$12 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
To write Drug Clouds Over Morocco - Casablanca Revisited, I visited the sites of every major terrorist attack in Europe, Morocco and New York. In 2017 I moved to Morocco where I took photos and interviewed victims, met doctors and psychiatrists, drug addicts and their families. I also went to the Rif Mountains three times to talk to cannabis growers. NB Morocco is the biggest producer of hashish in the world, yet it is illegal there!


ISBN: 9798525787155

Book Length: 150-320 Pages

Robert Tennant-Ralphs