Chained by Fear - CraveBooks

Chained by Fear

By Jim Melvin

$2.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
For more than seventy years, the most powerful sorcerer in the world has held a woman prisoner in a magical tower.

Invictus forces Laylah, his own sister, to be his queen.

Even the immense power Laylah draws from moonlight does not give her the strength to free herself . . . until she forms an unlikely alliance with two of the sorcerer's most trusted soldiers as well as an ancient demon with diabolical motives.

Laylah's dramatic escape leads her to the one man who might be able to save her-Torg, the Death-Knower wizard. Drawn together by supernatural passion, the pair attempts to outrun Invictus' minions and reach the safety of the White City.
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Paperback Books


ISBN: 978-1611942163

Book Length: 150-320 Pages

Jim Melvin