Wicked Cravings: Finding Sanctuary - CraveBooks

Wicked Cravings: Finding Sanctuary

By Natasha Madden

$9.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Wicked Cravings

Embrace the night. Surrender to desire…

In a world where darkness and desire entwine, Suzy’s transformation into a vampire immerses her into a sensual dance of temptation and power. The lines between humanity and the demon within her become hazy as she struggles to reconcile her own thoughts and desires.

Additionally, the attraction she feels towards her former professor reveals unsettling truths. Passion, need, and hunger consume her, filling her with mixed emotions. Add to that an unexpected encounter with a sexy siren brings new things to light that she never thought possible.

Will Suzy succumb to the intoxicating pull of the night, or can she find love and salvation in the arms of those who share her eternal desires?

Explore the sultry depths of passion and danger in this MMF vampire romance.


Book Length: 320-650 Pages