The Need For A Little Dog - CraveBooks

The Need For A Little Dog

By James Dennis

$9.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Dr. Sebastian Cortez is an aspiring university professor who has succumbed to the pressures of scientific research and become an unsufferable grouch. One day at the annual lab picnic, Sebastian is bitten by a most unusual dog, which is where his adventure begins. To the surprise of his family and colleagues, Sebastian has suddenly become uncharacteristically nice. Although, Sebastian’s niceness comes with some very odd behaviors. Chaos and mystery ensue after Sebastain disappears one evening and wakes up naked in the local park. He and his wife, Madeline, begin a strange journey trying to uncover the cause of Sebastian’s condition. The journey includes much soul-searching, and forces Sebastian to ask himself who he really is, and decide what he should become.


Book Length: 150-320 Pages