Spells Cast in Shadows - CraveBooks

Spells Cast in Shadows

By Gracie C. McKeever

$5.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
[Interracial Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Elves, Centaurs, HEA, Contemporary Western]

Driven by recurrent dreams to take an ill-advised predawn ride around her ranch, Montana Freeborn stumbles across something in the road from those wildest dreams: a real live centaur. At least she thinks so. By the time she reaches the supine figure trampled beneath the hooves of her prize Appaloosa, she begins to wonder if her eyes deceived her, since before them now is a man, a magnificent, unconscious and very naked man.

Cast out from his tribe as a punishment for causing the death of a fellow Sapphiran, Seth Phoenix is an arrogant young centaur of royal heritage infatuated with the human race, and now, after a twist of fate, forced to count on one of its ranks for his survival.

His one chance at redemption––brokered with the Black Elf by his desperate mother, Thyra Phoenix––could be the key to his mother's freedom, or his own downfall…

Genre: African-American/Paranormal/Psychic/Shape-shifter/Urban Fantasy [contains graphic sexual content and adult language]
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Book Length: 320-650 Pages

Gracie C. McKeever