Vanished - CraveBooks


By T.M. Thomas

$2.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

In the coastal town of Serene, Norfolk, Zack Collins works for Aurora Financial Services at the IT help desk. His life of simplicity is comfortable, with his girlfriend Eva, and his two friends Marshall and Jeff. However, things begin to go awry at a beach party when an unusual man shows up and forcefully tells Zack to ‘protect her’. In the morning, things get even more strange when Zack finds a woman named Madoka hiding in his shower of whom, to Zack’s surprise, is from 600 years in the future where humankind faces extinction and slavery by the artificial intelligence Zeydenians. With betrayal, danger, Zacks world falling apart, and his own fears eating himself alive, being held at stake is the future of all humanity. Zack inevitably finds himself risking his own life and suffering the dystopian world of the future. Madoka is then captured by the Zeydenians and Zack must reinvent freedom and undo the endangerment of humanity. Captivating, intense, and unsettlingly futuristic, Vanished is a masterpiece prediction of our dystopian future, filled with thrill and a touch of romance. You will be left speechless.


FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 150-320 Pages


T.M. Thomas
