Prisoner of the Midnight Sun - CraveBooks

Prisoner of the Midnight Sun

By Noel Snook

$3.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)


There's been another murder. Anchorage, Alaska has become the hunting ground for a killer with something to prove. Victims are put through a series of physical and psychological trials designed to push them to their limits and test their will to live. Despite the promise of freedom... all have perished. Alyson's dreams alone hold the key to catching the killer, but unless she can learn to harness her power and let go of the past, lives will continue to be lost.

Every night for seven years she dreamed of a man she's never met. A man who may or may not exist. A man she believes has been taken. Now she must team up with the detective on the case... Her ex-husband, John. Can the two of them put their differences aside and work together to solve the mystery? Or will Alyson be too late to save the man of her dreams?

A story of love, loss, pain, and SURVIVAL.

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Book Length: 150-320 Pages