Sandy Cove: A Drake Wines Novella 2.5 - CraveBooks

Sandy Cove: A Drake Wines Novella 2.5

By Chelle Pimblott

$0.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

A new family. Two dads. Surprises. Forgiveness.

When I was eight years old, mum and aunt Jen took me to meet my dad.
Logan Drake was just a name, a few pictures and some stories that my mum told
me at bedtime.

I knew my mum was sick, she never hid it from me and I knew, even though
she did try to cushion the reality, that she wasn’t going to be with me
for much longer. That’s why she went to talk to my dad.

Moving out to Drake Wines wasn’t as hard as I was expecting. I had an
instant family, Aunts, uncles, cousins and not one but two dads who
loved me unconditionally. Missing my mum didn't hurt as much with them around.

The letters started on my tenth birthday. By my eighteenth I didn't want
them anymore. On my wedding I learned to appreciate every single one of them.

‘Love Mum’, became something that I looked forward to.

LORI’S MEMORIES is the second novella in the Drake Wines Novella Series
and should be read after WINERY. It’s a love story of a different kind, no
steam or romance but still full of love and hope. This is the story of a
mother’s love for her daughter and the letters she leaves for her to read on
special occasions.

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Book Length: 60-150 Pages