Wicked Hot Doctor - CraveBooks

Wicked Hot Doctor

By Tess Summers

$14.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

Book Two in a new series of standalones!
(Book One, Wicked Silver Fox, can currently be found in the Dirty Daddies 2021 Anthology!)

Dr. Steven Ericson never thought a parking ticket would change his life, but that’s exactly what happened the day he goes downtown to pay his forgotten ticket for an expired meter.

As the head of Boston General's ER, he doesn't have time for relationships, or at least he's never met a woman who made him want to make time.

That all changes when he meets Whitney Hayes. The dynamo attorney in high heels entices him to imagine carving out time for more than his usual one-night stand. Imagine his dismay to find out that she, too, doesn’t do relationships—they're not in her 5-year plan.

Yeah, eff that. Her plan needs rewriting, and Steven’s more than willing to supply the pen and ink to help with that.


Book Length: 150-320 Pages