Summoner of Sleep - CraveBooks

Summoner of Sleep

By A.I. Winters

$5.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

In the isolated mountain town of Marble Woods, the townspeople harbor a
dangerous secret. It’s here, away from the civilized world, that they
can experiment with human genetics that have the power to alter your
mind and body. When Ryder Ashling, a down-on-his-luck longtime sufferer
of nightmares, discovers the town, he thinks he’s found a cure, but
bears witness to their research and its terrifying, inevitable

In exploring the disturbing crossroads of genetic
manipulation and lust for youth and control of the physical, Winters’
cautionary tale of the perversion of natural order and desire will
entice and rattle readers in this thought-provoking tale of terror.


Book Length: 150-320 Pages