Susie Strickland, Sizzling Striker: A fun and ente... - CraveBooks

Susie Strickland, Sizzling Striker: A fun and entertaining children's book about soccer, football for kids ages 3-5 6-8

By K.A. Mulenga

$2.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

Strickland has been kicking a ball around ever since the day she could walk. It
is her favourite thing in the whole wide world to do! Susie practises every
chance she gets and, because she practises so much, she is the best striker in
her whole school!

One day,
Susie is on her way to school when she gets splashed from head to toe when a
boy riding his bicycle past her purposefully rides through a big puddle. He
thinks that what he has done is very funny indeed. Susie, needless to say, does
not agree.

Later that
day, Susie goes to soccer practise as usual. She and her team-mates are
introduced to a new team-member. His name is Spencer and – that’s right – you
guessed it…he is the very same boy who splashed her that morning!

Now, the
fact that this boy splashed her on purpose on her way to school is bad enough.
But then Susie learns something else about him. Not only is he the newest
member of her school soccer team, but he is a striker… just like her! Susie is so
used to being the best striker in her school. How is she going to handle this
new competition?

Game day
arrives. Susie’s team is not doing so well and the coach decides to replace her
with Spencer.

What will
happen next? Will Spencer be as good as Susie? Or might he even be a better
striker than her? Will Susie be able to handle another player being as good
(and possibly even better than) she is? Read on to find out!

The story of
Susie Strickland teaches children about the value of healthy competition and the
importance of being a team-player. Any child who has ever participated as a
member of a team of any form – sports-related or otherwise – will be able to relate
to Susie Strickland. Young readers will benefit from the story’s message that
being the best “player” is not the most important thing in life, but what makes
us winners is always trying our best and never playing dirty, even when others
do! An important story which conveys the rules of good sportsmanship to
children in an age-appropriate and fun way.


FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 0-60 Pages