Locked In - CraveBooks

Locked In

By Violet San

$3.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

Things have never gone right for Ainsley Hades. Melbourne was supposed to be a fresh start, a dream job, and a new life. But that dream only remained a dream. Stuck in a cycle of job rejections and unpaid bills, she was forced to pack up her life and return to her hometown, South Highland, scraping by doing embarrassing jobs just to keep money in her pocket, all while cursing her luck.

But was it just bad luck?

For six years, Theon Ryder has been watching her every move. Obsessed from the moment he laid eyes on her, his fixation turned deadly the night she left him to die. A small misunderstanding became the fuel for five years of calculated revenge—ruining her life from behind the scenes and making sure she never knew why things kept going wrong.

Now that Ainsley is back where everything started, he’s ready to come out from behind the screen and show her the real hell. But does he...? As he faces her, the obsessed beast he thought died that night rises again, stronger and more relentless than ever, rearranging his thought-out plans.
And worse, he’s not the only one after her. A darker force has its eyes on what is his, stalking her with a purpose to take back what it claimed she owed.

Note: This is a dark book that explores themes of obsession and possessiveness that goes beyond a typical romance. It has quite some triggers so please check them before reading!


Book Length: 320-650 Pages


Violet San
