Truth: A modern fantasy - CraveBooks

Truth: A modern fantasy

By Simon Bardwell

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[Review by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite] Truth is a work of fiction in the urban fantasy subgenre and was penned by author Simon Bardwell. The work is suitable for the general adult reading audience and forms the first half of a duology. Written as a modern fantasy fable, the tale begins with Londoner Henry and proceeds to follow him and three other Londoners who are drawn into a seemingly innocent chain of events. As the plot strands bring them together, however, this apparently fated union has much more going on under the surface. What results is a philosophical search for the truth of the matter.
Author Simon Bardwell knows how to build suspense by the bucketload. I enjoyed the fantasy elements of the work and thought that they were well-handled and believable within the overall plot. Thanks to the excellent development of the characters and their emotional portrayal, you never lose a moment’s realism. One of the things that I found most impressive about this piece was the quality of the writing itself, which flowed smoothly and effortlessly to tell the story and discuss its philosophical qualities effectively without overdoing it at any point. There was an excellent balance of atmosphere, character development, suspense, and plot building, making you feel as though you’re in the hands of a skilled writer indeed. And as for the revelations and conclusions that came later on, they were surprising and satisfying. Overall, I would definitely recommend Truth to readers who enjoy literary-quality storytelling in the urban fantasy genre and fantasy readers looking to try something new and unique.


Book Length: 150-320 Pages