Kingdom Misophonia, A Princess Hates Noise Fairy T... - CraveBooks

Kingdom Misophonia, A Princess Hates Noise Fairy Tale

By Eva Gordon

$3.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Beautiful and talented Princess Amanda, the next queen of Milathonia, has it all. Yet, she, along with her father and brother, are cursed with misophonia, the hatred of certain sounds. Isolated from other kingdoms, Amanda has lived a sheltered life. As a gifted artist, Amanda begs her father to let her attend the art academy in Zolonia. The king agrees, but only if she uses a fake identity and finds the proper suitor.

Captain Dash Lysander, a returning war hero, takes a well-paying job as a bodyguard to an academy student. Traumatized by war, which included battling man-eating fleshers, Dash hopes he can do his duty without suffering from day tremors. Upon meeting his charge Dash is immediately smitten. However, his duty is to protect her, not court her.

Princess Amanda and Dash are drawn to one another. They do their best to stave their hidden passion despite the looming danger of fleshers and secrets that could ruin everything.
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Book Length: 150-320 Pages