Son of Babylon: (Book 1 of the Babylon Series) - CraveBooks

Son of Babylon: (Book 1 of the Babylon Series)

By Daniel Pugsley

$2.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
The wolves at court are circling, and they can smell blood...

Babylon in 1765BCE is a dangerous place, though Bani at least gets to live in a palace. His father is king, his mother a favoured concubine and rival of the queen. When his mother's people invade, however, everything changes.

Bani's father marches out at the head of his outnumbered forces, in a desperate attempt to save his kingdom. Back in Babylon, with their protector gone, Bani and his mother are plunged into a death struggle of their own...

Amidst the echoes of clashing swords and the whispers of betrayal, Bani's journey unfolds—an odyssey of courage, sacrifice, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and her son.
Digital Books


Book Length: 320-650 Pages