A King Ensnared - CraveBooks

A King Ensnared

By J. R. Tomlin

$4.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
A dying king. A deadly plot. A boy's desperate flight...

King Robert III is dying, and the king's half-brother is plotting to seize power. Having murdered one prince, twelve-year-old James Stewart, prince of Scotland, will be next. He is forced to flee to escape his uncle's murderous plans. Captured and imprisoned by the English, he grows to be a man of contradictions: a poet yet a knight, a dreamer yet fiercely driven. Hardened by his years in the Tower of London, James is determined to regain his freedom and end his uncle's misrule. But to do so he must outsmart and outlast King Henry IV of England...


Book Length: 150-320 Pages