Sister Bevenlee and Mother of Pox - CraveBooks

Sister Bevenlee and Mother of Pox

By Charles Brass

$0.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Life at the Tower can be incredibly exhilarating...
Eight-year-old peasant girl Bevenlee sees an aura around fourteen-year-old Princess Ukee and within hours they’re en route to the Tower, where for five centuries one hundred Sisters have attended the precious Mothers who give birth to the gods that walk the land.
...and eternally unforgiving.
As a Sister, Bevenlee learns new skills and makes new and loyal friends, but suffers torment and terrible injuries from Sisters and gods alike. When the birth of her child leaves Mother Ukee in a debilitating unresponsiveness, tensions within the Tower intensify.

For a terrifying pestilence threatens the Scattered Kingdoms at the same time the Horde—a relentless enemy army—invades with the intent to destroy the Tower and all in their path.

With growing suspicions that her dear friend’s mysterious child might be the cause of the deadly pox, young Bevenlee, her very sanity in question, must find a way to save herself, Mother Ukee, and all they know and love, or be condemned to everlasting damnation.

Return to The Tower of Sephalon for the final chapter of Charles Brass's thrilling fantasy series! Each book is a stand-alone story set in the land of the Scattered Kingdoms, where Sisters devote their lives to the Mothers that birth the gods that walk the earth.


Book Length: 320-650 Pages


Charles Brass

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