The man who needed to be exorcised - CraveBooks

The man who needed to be exorcised

By D.David Croot

$3.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
What happens when you combine Moliere's the misanthrope, Huysmans Against the Grain, Dostoevsky's bureaucratic nightmares and a whole heap of junk stored in the mind of a wayward writer hell bent on divine literary creativity?

You get this bad mama-jumbo of a stream of conscious novella about a man who's superb at a job that only requires five minutes of work an eight hour day, see's doppelgängers who do not look like him everywhere and fails to look after a turtle.

The jewel encrusted turtle being the only one he can have a joke with.

Let's face it, we know he's gonna blow something up, time to guess what?


FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 150-320 Pages