The Hostess Secret: A Novel - CraveBooks

The Hostess Secret: A Novel

By G. G. Pizarro

$19.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Always in the same bed.

Cam—not Cameron or Camden but Camilo—is waiting at the airport for his flight to Chicago to meet his daddy—sorry, his boyfriend, Nico, whom he has not seen in a while. Although Nico does not like it when he calls him that, Cam wonders if he has changed.

After they are finally together, they stay at 6932 Melodale Lane, where they meet their ash-gray, frizzy-hair hostess, Janice.

Even though a few things occur, everything is all right. Right?

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Digital Books


FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 150-320 Pages

G. G. Pizarro

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