Like - CraveBooks


By Bart Hopkins

$2.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

The lives of five strangers will collide because of social media. Some of those new digital connections will be good ... others will be terrifying.

You’ll meet Greg, a realtor whose success stems from his Internet savvy. His tweets are re-tweeted a hundred times and thousands follow his blog.

Then there’s Paul, who stumbles on an old crush while Facebooking. Through research of her online habits, he arranges a “chance” meeting so they can fall in Like with each other.

Martin is a cancer survivor with renewed purpose in life thanks to a supportive social media family.

LIKE is a selfie of modern times ... a tapestry of people and events woven together with this era’s most abundant thread: social media.

“With one Like I can say hi to a friend, support them during a crisis, share in a joke, make someone happy, or reinforce a person’s self-esteem. I make myself part of their world. It’s like I stopped by for coffee. But, by Liking, I can also avoid talking to all the people I don’t want to waste time on. Or I can check to see what my ex-girlfriend is doing seven or eight times an hour. It’s a double-edged mouse click.”
- Anonymous


ISBN: 1506180469

Book Length: 150-320 Pages