Surrender To Forever - CraveBooks

Surrender To Forever

By Elina Conti

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Surrender To Forever contains the first 2 books in the Surrender Series – a slow-burn, yet steamy story, packed with angst and emotional twists. The story brings together Ella, a feisty and independent woman who struggles to open her heart to love again, and Max, a charismatic businessman, forced to stay in a loveless marriage for the sake of his son.
NO cliffhanger, ending with HEA

Book One - A Taste of Surrender

I didn’t want to want him. Max Brenaus was wrong for me. In every possible way.

I’d left behind my hometown, my painful past, and the family who abandoned me when I needed them the most. I was alone in a big city, building a life for myself. A survivor.

And then he came along. Storming into my office and my life, he was the one that everyone feared. And he seemed on a mission to embarrass me with every chance he got.
Meet Max Brenaus - our new CEO and my new boss. An arrogant, intimidating prick, who thought he owned everything and everyone.
Hating him was supposed to be easy. Falling hard for him… now that was a surprise. Off-limits, workaholic, rude… that didn’t exactly scream ‘attractive’.

And yet, Max Brenaus made me feel like myself again. After years of walking around bitter and angry at the world, I was finally in the arms of a man who saw the real me and accepted me for who I was.
But Max came with a complicated life, and an even more complicated past. And our forbidden love was going to be put to a test.

Book Two - A Dash of Tenderness

There’s no room for ego where there’s true love.

After getting a taste of what surrendering to love feels like, Ella’s slowly learning to trust again. For the first time in years, she’s allowed herself to hope. Hope that the man she’s risked everything for and opened her heart to can actually be hers.

As things change dramatically in the company that both she and Max work for, their blossoming love is under threat. Will she surrender to the fear of being left behind and go back to her life before Max, or fight for her love and risk everything all over again?


Having Ella in his life has changed Max for the better. After years of seeking refuge in work and shielding himself from feeling, he’s making room in his life for love. And for her, the woman who started off as nothing more than an intriguing challenge, only to become his true home.

But keeping Ella around means risking everything he’s built. Trusting her with his well-kept secret could ruin him. But not telling her is just as dangerous. He could lose the only woman who’s ever truly seen him, the only one who wants him for who he is.

As their love is put to the test, Ella and Max are faced with a choice. Will they give in to their fears or take a break from their past and trust each other through the darkest hour?

From the Author: The story of Ella and Max gets a well-deserved Happily Ever After at the end of these first two books in the Surrender to Forever collection.
And yet, I felt like there was more to it. So I wr


Book Length: 320-650 Pages