Surviving Jane - CraveBooks

Surviving Jane

By Rodolfo Del Toro

$3.65 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Speak Up Talk Radio Award Winner.

Dr. David Scholz is looking for a career change. He’s burnt out and is planning a year-long sabbatical to travel and reset before beginning his ophthalmology residency. Counting down the days to his much-needed break, David must contend with all the complications of working at a busy hospital: unruly patients, frustrating senior staff, and growing fatigue.
During these last weeks, David is given a tough patient: young Jane Doe, a heroin addict, is brought in with severe injuries. Jane does not want to be in the hospital. Belligerent, aggressive, and demanding, Jane tests the boundaries of all the medical staff who attend her.
As David grows increasingly disgruntled, a surprising source reminds him why he entered the medical field in the first place: to help people.
An emotional journey featuring addiction, recovery, and hope, Surviving Jane is a richly detailed medical drama that provides an intimate look into life in a busy hospital.


Book Length: 320-650 Pages


Rodolfo Del Toro

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