The Feline Affair - CraveBooks

The Feline Affair

By Neve Maslakovic

$0.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
A wager concerning a famous physics cat has everyone at St. Sunniva University’s time-travel lab choosing sides. Meanwhile, food has gone missing from the biology department fridge. Dean’s assistant Julia Olsen is on the case…or would be if the new chief of campus security didn’t stand in her way. Can Julia rise to the double challenge presented by one sneaky thief and one elusive historical cat? Set as a prequel to Neve Maslakovic’s time-travel series (The Far Time Incident, The Runestone Incident, and The Bellbottom Incident), The Feline Affair is a lively jaunt into science, history, and academia. The Feline Affair is a novelette of about 12,000 words (50 pages).


Book Length: 0-60 Pages


Neve Maslakovic

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