Silent Sands – Agnes Taylor Mystery – Book 1 - CraveBooks

Silent Sands – Agnes Taylor Mystery – Book 1

By Eva Bernhard

$2.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

What do you expect when your elderly mom suggests an island holiday? Well, not murder…

From the very first, Canadian thirty-something Dr. Agnes Taylor feels uneasy about this trip to Germany. Agreed, the rented reed-thatched cottage is adorable. But tensions mount — both between mother and daughter, and in the idyllic North Sea town.

Environmentalists are up in arms about a wind turbine project. Islanders and summer residents are at loggerheads. A philosophy professor like Agnes cannot resist the allure of controversy.

In the heat of summer, tempers flare and resentments broil.

When she finds her mother huddled by a dead body, Agnes must act.

Slowly, Agnes realizes her mom knows far more than she’d ever expected…

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Paperback Books



ASIN: B0993YS98F

ISBN: 978-1-7777877-0-7

FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 150-320 Pages

Eva Bernhard