He Did What Growing Up With A Sociopathic Narcissi... - CraveBooks

He Did What Growing Up With A Sociopathic Narcissistic Father

By Dale Austin

$14.50 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
 What started out as a simple memoir took me on a deep psychological dive into my relationship with my father. He with his narcissism and me with no idea what that word meant. As we grew older together I began to realize that something was different in our family. One reviewer wrote, “Dale skillfully tells his life story, shedding a much needed light on children growing up with a parent who has a mental illness.”

My story begins with the fun of a child living a life with no boundaries and ends in tragedy. A simple decision to change the direction of my life is the catalyst for beginning to understand why our family was different. This is a raw emotional true journey, told as just as life unfolded.

Narcissism has become an epidemic in the society around us with families and marriages being torn apart. I overcame my father’s mental illness and the accompanying pain that it birthed in our family. This is the story of my stand against it.
Digital Books


ISBN: 9798588584449

Book Length: 320-650 Pages