The 10 Week Master: How To Be An Expert In Almost... - CraveBooks

The 10 Week Master: How To Be An Expert In Almost Everything

By Andrew Snowdon

$2.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

Dissatisfied with your life? Do you keep thinking you should have achieved more by now?

The 10 Week Master will change all of that. This book gives you the tools to acquire new skills at a dazzling rate - skills that can improve your health and fitness, your general knowledge, your vale to your employer or your business, or even just how to get more out of your leisure time.

Use this moment to make a real impact on your life and give yourself more opportunities than you ever thought possible.

This is the new way of learning - straight in, straight out but armed with skills and ambition. Find out how to really structure a project and learn skills quickly. You'll find you wake up each morning just raring to go. Look forward to tomorrow each day!


Book Length: 150-320 Pages