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More of Your Light: Channeled Arcturian Messages Regarding Your Mission, Abilities, and The Shift to New Earth (Lightworker Support Series)

By Amanda Shertzer

$2.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

You are a beacon of hope on Earth.

You are valued and supported in ways you can’t even imagine.

When you identify as a Lightworker, Starseed, or Wanderer, you may feel lonely at times. You may feel defeated within a world that doesn’t seem to make sense. You are setting the energetic blueprint for others to follow, but sometimes you need a little bit of support and guidance yourself.

Our other-dimensional friends are here to help.

Channeled messages from the Arcturians are compiled here to guide and support you throughout your life as a light, or beacon, for others. The Arcturian Collective’s gentle guidance helps you keep your frequency high, so you can vibrate right where you need to for others. Use this book as a resource as we all go through the ascension and The Shift to New Earth.

In Part One you will find:


  • Understand what old programming you are moving out of
  • Get a view of what new things you will be seeing in the collective
  • Understand difficult emotions and how to transcend them
  • See how working together creates the changes you want to see
  • Learn how to keep from being influenced by the “negative”
  • Get a clear knowledge of how to remember your true self
  • Find out what your mission entails and how to maintain it


  • Taking care of your energetic body
  • Clearing what you no longer need
  • How you help the collective
  • Ways to take care of yourself
  • Dealing with loneliness
  • Dealing with self-doubt
  • Signs of support

Part Two contains three sections:

  • How to connect to your higher self, spirit guides, angels, and other dimensional beings.
  • How to manifest anything you want to be, do, or have.
  • How we can all create the “New Earth” and live the 5D way.

Use the index of topics at the end of the book when you are looking for particular guidance. Or simply flip through the pages and see what you land on to get a message just for this moment.

Whether you're feeling lost in the dark, or you're resonating at a super-high frequency, you’ll find More of Your Light within this book.

Paperback Books



FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 150-320 Pages