The Rubicon Method: Overcome Procrastination - CraveBooks

The Rubicon Method: Overcome Procrastination

By Dave Hart

$9.96 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

Procrastination is one of the greatest problems of our times, where otherwise brilliant and capable individuals find themselves tripped up by habitually being late and not getting important things done on time.

Procrastination leads to great opportunities being lost, professional chances for advancement placed in danger and often affecting personal lives as well.

There are countless massive books written on the topic, and the sheer number of solutions suggested itself is a clue as to how severe this problem is.

Like many things in life, there are simple solutions to complex problems that get overlooked.

In this “The Rubicon Method: Overcoming Procrastination” the author presents a very novel approach to handling and overcoming procrastination. Furthermore, he advises that you could start each day with a quick read of the book and possibly see noticeable differences in your overall efficiency, and reduced procrastination overall.

Definitely worth a read, and the method is definitely practical and implementable. And the author focuses on the methodology and makes no effort to fluff up the book with anecdotes and other trivia.

The Rubicon Method: Overcoming Procrastination could be the ‘HIMAR’ that you need to knock out Procrastination, so give it a whirl!


Book Length: 60-150 Pages