Unknown Treasures - CraveBooks

Unknown Treasures

By Dorothy Wehunt

$4.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

Dean inherits a cedar chest and is going through it one cold day.

discovered a tiny piece of paper the size of a business card. It had his
grandfather’s name on it and his birth place as Dawsonville, Ga.  He makes sure he is in Dawsonville the next
morning when the courthouse is open.

Dean’s father was born in Texas and his grandparents visited
relatives in Texas often. Why hadn’t anyone spoke of Dawsonville? Why hadn’t he
heard of family in Dawsonville?

What will Dean discover? How will he react?

Take this adventure with Dean as he discovers how different
and interesting family situations can be. If you like short stories of surprise
that are true, then you will love Unknown Treasures.

Buy Unknown
Treasures to Start the journeys of surprise Now!


Book Length: 650+ Pages

Dorothy Wehunt