Restarting Your Life When You Are No Longer A Wife... - CraveBooks

Restarting Your Life When You Are No Longer A Wife: One gal’s tale of humor, tears, and hope after being Left at 50

By Diane Burroughs

$9.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

This is not another book about the shock of being left. It’s a book about getting over it.

When she was 50 years old, Diane Burroughs’s husband left her for a younger woman. She went through those same sad realizations you always hear about—the anniversaries, the photo albums, the post-divorce blues—but amidst all the tears and anger, she discovered her way to a new life.

Restarting Your Life When You Are No Longer A Wife is a funny, inspirational guide for divorced women over 50 to restart their lives and find happiness with or without romance. Offering new perspectives and practical guidance, this book shares the ups and downs of restarting a life from a woman who’s already done it. Including helpful topics like dating websites, happiness practices, and fun things to do when you’re alone, it’s an opportunity for women to find out how to release the remnants of hurt and to start on a new life filled with laughter.

This book includes tips and strategies about:

  • Setting out on a path of your own making
  • Dealing with the "Doubt-Monster"
  • Going from Insignificant Other to your Most Significant Self
  • Embarking on a life of laughter and self-love
  • Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now: Navigating your post-divorce sex-life
  • And more

Getting divorced at 50 isn’t just about stepping into someone else’s life. It’s about stepping into your own. Wisdom is waiting for you in this book, so take Her hand. You’re ready.

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Paperback Books




Book Length: 60-150 Pages