Keep Calm and Cope With Grief - CraveBooks

Keep Calm and Cope With Grief

By John Allen

$2.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

#1 bestseller on Amazon in Grief and Loss. Visit his website at richardjohnallen.com  Finally, an author who understands grief, and provides a heartwarming resource for anyone currently dealing with grief due to loss. This book will empathetically guide you in finding ways to cope when losing a loved one and assist you in processing your grief. The author shares his own experience of losing his father, planning the funeral, writing the eulogy, reading the will, seeing signs from his father, and how to cope with grief.

Written by the author of ‘Life After This’ and 'Nature's Reach', this book 'Keep Calm and Cope With Grief' delves into the details of how life and death are intrinsically linked. You will be given an entirely new perspective on living with grief and that there is life after this. We all need to find our own ways to cope with grief, and this book will help you do exactly that.

Inside 'Keep Calm and Cope With Grief', discover:

  • The reality of losing a loved one
  • Planning the funeral, writing the obituary and eulogy.
  • Identifying signs from your loved ones and knowing when they are present
  • The science behind stress and grief caused by loss
  • Picking up the pieces after a loss
  • Finding Healing in Religion
  • List of resources to help you through the dark days

And so much more.

As an added bonus, you can also contact the author on his website richardjohnallen.com or the Amazon author page, and he will send you a free copy of his “7-Step Guide to Cope With Grief.”

"This book is a deeply personal look into one man’s pain and suffering over the loss of his father. The author skillfully tells his story, while imparting important information. I couldn’t put this book down. I plan on listening to this book on Audible as a second read...This book is a valuable resource for anyone currently dealing with grief due to a loss, or anyone who wants to be better prepared for the inevitable." - A verified purchaser/review

This book will empathetically guide you in finding ways to cope when losing a loved one and assist you in processing your grief. Click to purchase now and help will be on its way.


FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 150-320 Pages