The Holy Spirit and Fire: 5 Practical Ways Of Rece... - CraveBooks

The Holy Spirit and Fire: 5 Practical Ways Of Receiving the Holy Spirit and Fire: Baptism of the Holy Spirit | Speaking in Tongues | Holy Spirit Fire

By Michael Tate

$3.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Can I receive the Holy Spirit and Fire with evidence of speaking in tongues now?
Emphatically YES.
Many sincere folks tried to receive or minister the baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire but failed. They are thinking if it is for everyone.
Well, it is for you, your children, boys and girls, young men and women, old men and women; as many as received the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is more eager to dwell in, walk in, and work through you than you could ever imagine.

In this book, you will know:

1. You are qualified to receive the Holy Spirit and Fire.
2. No barrier is stopping you from receiving once you are born again.
3. God has given the Holy Spirit and Fire as a gift to you.
4. You are to receive the Holy Spirit and Fire right away without tarrying.
5. You will start speaking in tongues and manifesting the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
6. You are anointed and chosen to live a life of miracles.

Paperback Books




FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 60-150 Pages

Michael Tate

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