Lloyd Been Story - CraveBooks

Lloyd Been Story

By America 🇺🇸 King KEVIN LEE

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Allied International Force and Royal Commission Government Semi assembled for 2 years grown to 250,000 every day employment and 900,000 Allied Assembled registered at the International Government office California . Finished Journey like closing books of the bibles as Underworlds Exodus and 0ver 25 full mission and journeys Military Visionary Films on All and every video demand Closed All Books if the Bible underworld Supreme Commander a Lee 15 Federal Offices Raided ceased Jails released 2020 Execution of 5000 Fraud Fed officals a Lone Wolf Mission Singley closed 15 buildings By hand 40 rooms of money of returned voulthured court precinct money 1%Drug money 99% Legel illegal voulthured though property clerks in The united states' Federal buildings Cia building and political building court also returned Directly to the hand of the people sending a notification we are sending you money is withholding I owe double by World Autokrator Cig a mess Nebuchadnezzar , Wars finished like Kosovo war Holy War Anylitical War and missions , Projects like World Global Revamp New train station every country, school system revamp , sewage system replaced every country , Lighten Board which led to no light Bill in all countries etc , Harlem Community Kitchen Free soul food Kitchen , Bowery Missions Soup kitchen Shelters and ICL , Camba , BRC , Rapper MA Houses , Gotti Houses 1Day Same day intake Low income Apartments program .

. Allied International Force With Supreme Commander Autokrator with degrees in Cosmotology ,Chief Justice , Sussera A1 & A1 Advance marksman sharpshooter Executioner Chief of Police , & Government General Kevin “Cigs’ Lee a.n.a Lloyd Been ,and Commander in Allied International force completing mission now Global Revamp with the world being paved with astro turf and Luxury Business Modern & Sophisticated housing no less free and placed free on abandoned land , mountain beeing flatten for more space . Luxury , Business , Sophisticated , Train station system all over the world even the west Indies has Trans Alantic the West Indian Railways Lloyd Been Station , Free boiler system with the most advance technology in the world Sewer system free replacement in every country also Fighting the War on Apartheid and Geniside
Autokrator is a trained, ancient commander with roles and ranks in commanding the administration of armies and international forces. Missions such as the First Parsion War, the Vietnam War/WWII, the execution of Hitler, the release of Nelson Mandela from exile, the making asylum illegal in the world, the execution of Osama bin Laden, etc. . Drone strike kills Baghdad Execution of Iranian Qassem Soleimani by militias Clearing underground underworlds, dungeons and masonry pits around the world to cleanse thousands of years of artifacts, art and artifacts A supernatural mission to bring the Golden Chalice and more back to earth and free souls, spirits and humans from these underworlds. The many military-gathered Allied Internationa
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Book Length: 650+ Pages