Captain High and the Cannabinoid Revolution - A St... - CraveBooks

Captain High and the Cannabinoid Revolution - A Story of Cannabis, Cancer, and God

By Richard S. Omura

$5.50 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Captain High is my avatar. He represents the part of me that explores the effects of cannabis going up the metaphoric Endocannabinoid River. This is a subjective recounting of my personal experiences with cannabis, cancer, and spirituality, told in a story. The inner landscape that we all have is real, but intangible. To describe what happens inside our souls with only scientific data is impossible, and so I use metaphors.

The story is not just about cannabis use but its interaction with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Most people know about cannabis but little about the ECS. Do you know that there are cannabinoids in you right now, as you read this? You’ve had them since you were born. It’s a natural part of our physical body and it enables us to turn our thoughts and values into physical action.

The point of the book is to inform everyone how important the ECS is, and how we can use cannabis to supplement and fine tune this amazing system in the human body in order fulfill our physical, mental, and spiritual goals.
Digital Books


Book Length: 60-150 Pages

Richard S. Omura

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