Healing From Your Toxic Family: A Teen's Guide to... - CraveBooks

Healing From Your Toxic Family: A Teen's Guide to Hope and Resolution Within Toxic Family Relationships

By Owen Campbell

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Living in a toxic family environment doesn’t have to hinder you from living a happy, healthy life… this may not be an easy battle at first, but here’s how you can do it:
Are you pressured by your parents’ unrealistic expectations of you and they’re never satisfied no matter what you do?

Does a family member criticize your personal life and make you feel inferior?

Do you have a sibling who keeps violating your boundaries and you no longer feel respected?

These are just some of the signs of having a toxic home life. Maybe you have overbearing parents or abusive family members that make you want to just leave your family to live at peace with yourself alone.

But you know that this would not be a viable option for you, especially since you’re still depending on your parents for financial support.

So the best thing you can do now is learn how to deal with the negative people in your family and respond to their toxic behavior in a tactful manner.

This book will not only teach you how to handle toxic family members but also help you manage your emotions so you will not be overcome by their negativity.

This way, you can redirect your focus and energy toward more important things that will help you grow as a person and live a fruitful life.

In this book, you will discover:

How family dynamics can become toxic, including 8 signs you may be in a toxic family environment
Why parents become controlling — and how to deal with an overbearing parent without disrespecting them
How you can regulate your emotions so you can manage stress caused by negativity from toxic people
How being sure of your self-worth can help you overcome criticism from toxic family members — and how to recognize your own self-worth
Why you need to set boundaries and how to communicate them politely yet assertively
How to develop self-esteem to have a more positive outlook on life despite being with negative people
What you can do to emotionally detach yourself from toxic family members so you can take care of your mental health and focus on achieving your goals
And much more.

This book doesn’t teach you to suppress negative emotions but helps you express them in a healthy way. You don’t have to compromise your peace of mind just to please your toxic family members.

With the help of this guide, you will know when things are getting too much and when you need to speak up. Truly, prioritizing your mental wellness is not selfish, it’s self-love.
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ISBN: 978-1739567309

Book Length: 60-150 Pages